Transforming the Preston Junction Precinct
The Junction Urban Master Plan aims to improve the attractiveness and liveability of public space in the Junction.
The Junction Urban Master Plan aims to improve the attractiveness and liveability of public space in the Junction.
Council is planning for the future of Fairfield Village
Check out the results from feedback received for projects that have recently been completed.
Narrandjeri Stadium is now the official name of the new multi-sports stadium being built at John Cain Memorial Park
Darebin is progressing well toward becoming an Age Friendly City
Council has committed to creating a new municipal Development Contributions Plan
It is exciting to see the progress Darebin Council and Kane Constructions have made on the demolition of the old NARC.
Creating a bushland sanctuary, a natural place of welcome, play and retreat in the heart of Reservoir West' is the community’s vision for Darebin’s newest park.
Check out the Penders Park Master Plan
Re-thinking the shared path from Merri Parade to Reservoir Station
Implementing the Donath and Dole Reserves Master Plan
Mayer Park is a welcoming and inclusive space offering a range of experiences that enables the community to come together to be happy and healthy
The City of Darebin has launched an exciting project to transform part of our local street network into more people-friendly places.
Stay informed on the future of Preston Market
The Council-owned land at 52-60 Townhall Avenue, Preston is an exciting opportunity for us to facilitate and action our response to the housing crisis.
The REZZA + VOIR project is a celebration of Reservoir's diverse community.
Preston Central is growing and changing - let's shape its future together!
Council is proposing solutions to address issues raised by the community as part of the Local Area Traffic Management Study
City of Darebin is pleased to release the final equipment designs for DR Atkinson Reserve Reservoir playspace upgrade.
Council is upgrading the open space in TW Andrews Reserve to make it more vibrant, connected and safer.
Council is proposing solutions to address issues raised by the community as part of the Local Area Traffic Management Study
The City of Darebin has launched an exciting project to transform part of our local street network into more people-friendly places.
The City of Darebin has launched an exciting project to transform part of our local street network into more people-friendly places.
Council is proposing to lease a currently vacant Council-owned site at 1 Spring Street, Preston, for a pilot project aimed at preventing youth homelessness.
Council is proposing to introduce a Heritage Overlay in an area known as Thornbury Park Estate
The City of Darebin has launched an exciting project to transform part of our local street network into more people-friendly places.
Council is seeking community feedback to relocate the Darebin Intercultural Centre from its current position to the municipal buildings in Preston
Heritage protections proposed as part of the Heidelberg Road Corridor project are being progressed ahead of other proposed planning changes
A new nature based play space for Edwards Park lake
An exhibition proposal for Village Bell Development
Aims to improve safety on local streets by proposing a range of solutions to address road safety issues raised by residents
The Extended Outdoor Dining Project aims to increase outdoor dining spaces in a COVID Safe, socially distanced environment.
Stay informed on the Northcote Plaza Redevelopment
Help us redevelop the Bill Lawry Oval Pavilion
Have your say on our Community Engagement Policy
Council is considering changes to the traffic movement in the Bell Station Precinct
Share your vision with us for 2041
Help us design you Darebin for 2041
A nature-based playspace for the new park at the former Ruthven Primary School Site
The Toy Library encourages connection, supports crucial intellectual, emotional and social abilities in children as well as promotes the right of the child to play.
Have your say on our Domestic Animal Management Plan
Help us Deliver for our Community
Engagement for Darebin's review of mayoral and Councillor Allowances
Darebin Budget Engagement 2021-22
Engagement for Darebin's Revenue and rating Plan 2021-2025
Darebin Council is seeking community feedback to rename the Beavers Road bridge suspended over the Merri Creek
Have your say on our Road Management Plan
Darebin City Council is creating a new off-lead dog area at Edwardes Lake Park and we want to know what you think of the design.
Reservoir West, Preston West & Thornbury West
Darebin City Council is seeking feedback on our draft Early Years Infrastructure Plan. Help us understand and respond to your priorities.
Council is seeking feedback from the community for the consultation of the shared use of the Northcote Public Golf Course site. Have your say.
Council is progressing the heritage component of the Heidelberg Road Corridor Planning Project
Have your say on our Sale of Minor Council Property Assets Policy
Help us name the show court at Narrandjeri Stadium
Tell us what you think about our updated Darebin Transport Strategy and draft Electric Vehicle Charging Policy.
We are creating our Ten-Year Asset Plan for how we manage and maintain Council’s assets and we want your input.
Our Budget 2022/23 is focussed on supporting our community and making the lives of those who live, work and play in Darebin better.
Help us name the new park at the former Ruthven Primary School site
Let’s shape our future together. Help us prepare our Housing Strategy and Neighbourhood Character Study to meet the housing needs of our diverse community in the future.
We welcome your feedback on a proposal to grant a new 20-year lease to Amplitel, (part of the Telstra Group) at Bundoora Oval, 15 Snake Gully Drive, Bundoora.
Pokie machines are dangerous to our community’s health and wellbeing. Tell us what you think of our draft Policy and Action Plan.
Have your say on the future of Council meetings in Darebin
Share your thoughts on the draft 2022 Northern Regional Strategy priorities
From 4 March to 7 April 2024 you shared your feedback on the draft Climate Emergency Plan 2024 - 2030.
We have developed a draft upgrade plan for Arch Gibson Reserve which is now ready for you to view and have your say.
The State Government’s Level Crossing Removal Project is removing the level crossing at Keon Parade. Council is seeking community feedback on opportunities.
It’s time to review our Memorial Policy. Tell us what you think so we can use your feedback to finalise the proposed Memorial Policy.
We want to hear your thoughts on our Draft Parking Permit Policy. From 19 April – 28 May we’re inviting you to have your say.
We have developed a draft upgrade plan for TW Blake Park which is now ready for you to view and have your say.
Thornbury East, Northcote East, Fairfield, Alphington, Bundoora, and Macleod.
The 2023-24 Annual Budget and other supporting financial documents were adopted by Council on 26 June 2023.
We are updating Darebin’s Place and Road Naming Policy to include new naming priorities.
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We have finalised the Community Complaints about a Councillor Policy.
From 10 August to 16 October, we invited you to have your say. We are now analysing the feedback you provided.
From 7 August until 10 September we invited you to have your say about how we deliver waste and recycling in Darebin. We are now analysing the feedback you provided.
From 30 August to 29 September, we invited you to have your say about a refresh of the Parade playground in Northcote. We analysed the feedback you provided.
From 29 May to 23 June we invite you to have your say on the draft strategy.
From 30 October to 15 December, we invited you to contribute to the development of our Economic Development Strategy. We are now analysing your feedback.
Thank you to everyone who shared their submissions with us. Council endorsed the new leasing terms for Early Years Services on 18 December 2023.
We invited you to help us update our policy and guidelines. The policy and guidelines have now been finalised.
We’re seeking names for some significant Darebin facilities including Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre, our four Libraries and John Hall Pavilion.
From 22 January to 18 March 2024 we invited your feedback to the new draft Leasing and Licensing Policy. We are now analysing what you shared with us.
Reservoir East, Preston East and Northcote West
From 11 January to 31 March 2024 we invited you to contribute to the development of Darebin's LGBTIQA+ Action Plan. We are now analysing what you shared with us.
Tell us what you think about our 2024/25 budget
We are proposing changes to the open space contribution rates in the Darebin Planning Scheme
Ahead of the councillor election in October this year, we’ve reviewed our Election Period Policy and made some minor administrative updates
We’re inviting you to contribute to the development of our Economic Development Framework.
We are improving our community engagement practices and reviewing our Community Engagement Policy
Help us update the Darebin 2041 Community Vision and key strategic Council documents and develop the new Council Plan 2025-2029.
Help shape the future of Reservoir Leisure Centre
We are revitalising the play equipment at Judith Scott Memorial Park on Browning Street, Kingsbury
From 15 November to 13 December we invited you to share your feedback on the options for the H Swain Reserve Equipment Renewal
This project focuses on the review and update of the draft Darebin Community Amenity Local Law 2025.
Participate in this once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform High Street Preston's environment and tell us your ideas of what it could look like.
Help us improve and upgrade Merri Common and Surrounds
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Phone | 8470 8888 |
---|---| | |
Website | |
In writing | 274 Gower Street, Preston, VIC 3072 |