Read the final policy and guidelines

Our Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy and Outdoor Dining and Trading Design Guidelines have been finalised

After hearing your feedback, the new Policy and Outdoor Dining and Trading Design Guidelines have been finalised.

Thank you to everyone who let us know their thoughts on the policy and guidelines to make sure we have the best approach to managing it into the future, so it is equitable and accessible for everyone.

The new policy and guidelines are set to ensure outdoor dining and trading is equitable and accessible, to support businesses and the diverse community so you can continue to go local and dine local!

Outdoor dining has become a great part of Darebin life, and we want to keep it that way.

The updated policy and guidelines now provide clear and simple guidance to businesses that consider establishing new or extend existing outdoor dining and trading areas, including parklets.

Community Engagement

Help us renew our Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy and Outdoor Dining and Trading Design Guidelines

Outdoor dining has become a great part of Darebin life.

We want to make sure we have the best approach to managing it into the future, so it is equitable and accessible for everyone.

It’s time to renew our draft Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy and draft Outdoor Dining and Trading Design Guidelines and we want your feedback.

We want to make sure the new policy and guidelines make outdoor dining equitable and accessible, supporting businesses and supporting the diverse community so you can continue to go local and dine local!

The updated policy and guidelines provide clear and simple guidance to businesses that consider establishing new or extend existing outdoor dining and trading areas, including parklets.

Let us know what you think of the draft Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy and draft Outdoor Dining and Trading Design Guidelines.

Do they make outdoor dining accessible, fair and equitable for all? Are the new fee structures and quotas fair and reasonable? Have we missed anything?

Send us written feedback via e-mail

If you would like to add a letter or written answer in response to our request for feedback, in addition to completing the survey, you could send us an e-mail.

Speak to us face-to-face

We are hosting an in-person conversation session across each of the five main activity centres in Darebin for community to provide feedback on the proposed changes. Dates for more sessions will be confirmed soon.

Tuesday 21 November 2023 10:00 am to 11:30 am

Ms Dangz

378 High Street, Preston

Wednesday 22 November 2023 09:00 am to 10:30 am

Little Henri

850 High Street, Thornbury

Wednesday 22 November 2023 11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Three Locals

127 Station Street, Fairfield

Your Say Darebin is Darebin City Council’s online engagement platform, where members of the Darebin community can provide feedback and access information on all current projects that include community engagement. This site is owned and operated by Darebin City Council using software licensed from Harvest Digital Planning.

Council collects and handles personal information in accordance with Council's Privacy Policy. which is displayed on Council's website and available for inspection at, or collection from, Council's Customer Service Centres.

When you engage with the Council through Your Say, you are required to provide your postcode, which is not personal information. However, if you choose to provide any other personal information about yourself, then this is provided voluntarily to the Council and with your consent.

Personal information can include names, contact details, health information, or sensitive information about yourself (such as your racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, philosophical or religious beliefs). If you provide personal or health information to the Council in this survey it will be analysed by the Council’s project teams for the purpose of evaluating how representative of our community the results of this survey are. Your personal information will not be linked with any of your responses provided in this engagement. Responses may be made publicly available, so if you make any comments, please do not include any personal information that you would not like to be accessible for public viewing. Please do not identify specific people by name for the sake of their privacy.

If you want to access your information, you can make a request for access through the Freedom of Information Act 1982, the council’s FOI officer can be contacted at