This consultation has closed

The 2024/25 Budget was endorsed at the Council meeting 24 June 2024. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of our budget.

It’s budget time again and we’re excited to deliver the completion of our 4-year Council Plan.

Each year, we bring a Draft Annual Budget and Council Plan Action Plan to the community and ask for input.  

The Annual Budget and Council Plan Action Plan are prepared to ensure funds are allocated to achieve the goals we set in our 4-year Council Plan.

This coming financial Year (2024-25) represents the final year of our 4-year Council Plan and we are proud of all we have achieved over the past four years.

We have created the budget to, balance current and future needs, while also ensuring Darebin is financially sustainable into the future. 

The current economic landscape continues to challenge everyone.  High costs continue to place significant pressure on Council’s budget. We recognise the need for a strong focus on resilience, both in terms of our financial responsibilities and what we can realistically deliver.

We are managing our budget responsibly so we can continue to deliver what’s important to you and continue to be one of the top five most liveable council areas across metropolitan Melbourne.

Before we finalise and adopt the Annual Budget 2024-2025 and supporting financial documents on 24 June, we want you to have the opportunity to make a formal submission by 20 May 2024.

Budget highlights

We’re planning to invest over $174 million into important operational services including:
  • $16 million

    towards open spaces, parks and natural environment services

  • ​$15 million

    towards aged and disability services

  • ​$5 million

    towards community wellbeing equity and diversity services

  • ​$9 million

    towards recreation and leisure services

  • ​$10 million

    towards families, youth and children services

  • ​$7 million

    towards climate emergency and environment services

  • ​$31 million

    towards capital projects

  • ​$15 million

    toward renewing and upgrading key infrastructure

Make a submission

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