Help us improve your local parks in Northcote

The Merri Common and Surrounds Open Space Improvement Project aims to enhance accessibility, connectivity, and overall amenity across four parks in Northcote:

  • Merri Common
  • Caddayes Corner
  • Peters Reserve
  • Green Memorial Reserve.

Planned improvements include new pathways, additional seating, tree and understory planting and an upgrade to the existing playground at Peters Reserve.

Location of the four parks

Project Background

Merri Common has long been valued by the local community. Since the 1980s, community groups such as the former Merri Action Group and the Merri Stationeers have contributed to its upkeep, planting many of the trees we see today and maintaining the space for residents, commuters, and wildlife.

In 2022, the Victorian Government allocated $1.5 million towards open space improvements at Merri Common through the Better Parks and Playgrounds Program. Council successfully applied for this funding, expanding the project to include additional sites. Since then, we have been working with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) to finalise the scope of works.

Draft Concept Designs have now been developed, and we are seeking community feedback to ensure the improvements meet local needs.

We encourage you to review the proposed designs and share your thoughts. Your input will help guide the final plans for these open spaces.

Have your say

Check the draft Concept Designs for each park and share your feedback in the survey below.

Merri Common

What is happening at Merri Common?

  • Site connectivity and pathway improvements.
  • Replacement of existing seating and picnic table.
  • Installation of additional seating.
  • Beautification works including indigenous plants, trees and mulch.

We'd like to know what other improvements you'd like to see. Please look at the draft concept design before you complete the survey to have your say.

Caddayes Corner

What is happening at Caddayes Corner?

  • Site connectivity and pathway improvements to enhance design, appeal, activity, and accessibility.
  • Beautification works, including planting, trees, and mulch.

We'd like to know what other improvements you'd like to see. Please look at the draft concept design before you complete the survey to have your say.

Peters Reserve

What is happening at Peters Reserve?

  • New playspace and natural play ground equipment.
  • Site connectivity and pathway improvements.
  • Existing seating and picnic table to be retained and renewed.
  • New picnic table and informal/natural seating.
  • Beautification works including indigenous plants, trees and mulch.
  • Replacement of rubbish and recycling bins.

We'd like to know what other improvements you'd like to see. Please look at the draft concept design before you complete the survey to have your say.

Green Memorial Reserve

What is happening at Green Memorial Reserve?

- New wayfinding signage.

Please note, while this site is included in the project, no community engagement will be undertaken. Installation of signage will be the only change happening at Green Memorial Reserve. Please see the draft concept design for the proposed location of new signage.