Decorative Image for Proposed lease of Council land at 1 Spring Street Preston engagement

Council is proposing to lease a currently vacant Council-owned site at 1 Spring Street, Preston, for a pilot project aimed at preventing youth homelessness.

The three-year pilot program that would be led by Kids Under Cover, a not for profit organisation dedicated to preventing youth homelessness, aims to house six young people at risk of experiencing long term homelessness, in a unique model which will provide tailored on-site support and care.

Council has not made a decision about whether to proceed with leasing the site and is inviting community members to provide their feedback on the proposal before making a decision.

Council is committed to making Darebin a place where everyone can find a home, and where young people are supported to live well. We see this project as an opportunity to do that. We know that providing support early in someone’s life can have a long-lasting impact, and international research shows that extending care to age 21 results in doubled education participation, and halved homelessness rates.

At its Council Meeting on 20 May, Council made the decision to begin the statutory process to lease Council-owned land at 1 Spring St, Preston for a period three years, to Kids Under Cover. The site is currently vacant and was formerly used as car parking for the former Preston Bowls Club. Public submissions closed on 12 August 2019.

What's next

Council will consider all submissions and make a decision on whether to proceed with leasing the site.

Anyone who makes a submission will be informed of the Council decision.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.