Soon we will be consulting on the draft Darebin Housing Strategy

Guided by consultation with the community in 2022 on community values, concerns and aspirations for housing in Darebin, we have developed the draft Housing Strategy Part 1 (Growth & Need) and Part 2 (Character & Design) and the related Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements and Guidelines.

We want to know what you think about the draft vision, strategic directions and actions.

The project will be open for consultation from 5 August to 13 September 2024.

What has happened so far?

The Housing Conversation community engagement process concluded on 8 August 2022. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. The feedback from the activities has been analysed and is included in an Engagement Summary Report in the Document Library.

These results have informed the development of the draft Darebin Housing Strategy and Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements & Guidelines. From 5 August 2024 we will be consulting with the community to seek your input into the draft documents.

Document library