We value the opinions and perspectives of the Darebin community.

This is why we are improving our community engagement practices to deliver on our commitment to be an inclusive Council that engages with its diverse community.

We want to know:

  • How would you like to be involved in the decisions we make in Darebin? How can we encourage community participation?
  • What are some of the challenges that stop you from having your say in Council decisions?
  • How can we make sure community engagement in Darebin is accessible to everyone?
  • What do you think of the aims of our Community Engagement Policy? Do they encourage and improve community participation in Council decisions?

Our goals for improving engagement at Darebin

  • Goal 1

    We engage with our community in meaningful, accessible and interesting ways on issues that matter to them.

  • Goal 2

    We maintain a collaborative and continuously improving engagement model that prioritises innovation, evaluation and capacity building.

  • Goal 3

    We offer an inclusive and culturally safe environment to learn from the rich knowledge, experiences and feedback of our diverse communities.

  • Goal 4

    We build a connected, credible, and trusted relationship with the community based on mutual respect and accountability.

What can your feedback influence?

  1. Some of the proposed actions in the community engagement improvement plan may change to reflect community feedback
  2. The minimum standards for engagement in the Community Engagement Policy
  3. The aims outlined in the Community Engagement Policy
  1. Some of the proposed actions in the community engagement improvement plan require low resources and will be implemented
  2. The principles in the community engagement policy are legislated under the local Government Act and cannot be changed.

If you would prefer to complete a paper version of this survey you can download a copy of the survey or visit a Customer Service Centre