On 20 January 2023, notice of the approval of Planning Scheme Amendment C203 (Heidelberg Road Heritage) appeared in the Special Government Gazette.

Amendment C203 implements heritage protections to the following seven (7) individually significant properties along the Heidelberg Road Corridor.

The amendment applies the Heritage Overlay to these properties, incorporates individual Statements of Significance into the Darebin Planning Scheme and updates the City of Darebin Heritage Study Incorporated Plan – Permit Exemptions (2022).

The approval of the amendment concludes the first stage of planning for the broader Heidelberg Road Corridor – Built Form Framework and will ensure that these significant properties are protected.

About Planning Scheme Amendment C203dare

Council has a duty under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to identify and protect local heritage places.

Council engaged heritage consultants Context to carry out the Heidelberg Road Heritage Assessment. The report identifies seven properties along the Heidelberg Road Corridor as being ‘individually significant’ heritage places.

Council is seeking to implement the recommendation of the Heritage Assessment by progressing Planning Scheme Amendment C203dare to apply a permanent heritage overlay to the below identified properties:

1. Former Fairfield Hat Mills Complex, 159-179 Heidelberg Road, Northcote

2. Residence, 257 Heidelberg Road, Northcote

3. Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, 273-289 Heidelberg Road, Northcote

4. Former residence, 331-333 Heidelberg Road, Northcote (subject to Interim Heritage Overlay control as part of C200dare)

5. Marineuie Court, 441 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield

6. Residence, 521 Heidelberg Road, Alphington

7. Kia-Ora, 607 Heidelberg Road, Alphington

Planning Scheme Amendment C203dare documents can be viewed in the documents section on the right of this page.

You can also read the FAQs on the right of this page for more information on Heritage Overlays.

What’s happened so far?

From 22 June to 3 August 2021, Council conducted community consultation on proposed planning considerations for the Heidelberg Road Corridor (HRC). Feedback was sought on a draft Local Area Plan and Built Form Framework, as well as the Heidelberg Road Heritage Assessment. The outcome of consultation on the Local Area Plan and Built Form Framework was considered by Council at its meeting on Monday 11 April. Refer to Heidelberg Road Corridor – Local Area Plan and Built Form Framework project page for more detail.

At its Planning Committee meeting on 9 August 2021 Council resolved to protect 331-333 Heidelberg Road, Northcote, from impending demolition via Planning Scheme Amendment C200dare. You can read the Planning Committee meeting minutes. The Minister for Planning approved C200dare and the property is now protected by an interim heritage overlay control in the Darebin Planning Scheme on a temporary basis until 30 October 2022.

At its meeting on 27 September 2021, Council resolved to proceed with Planning Scheme Amendment C203dare proposing to apply a permanent heritage overlay to all seven identified heritage places along the Heidelberg Road Corridor in accordance with the recommendation of the Heidelberg Road Heritage Assessment. You can read the Council meeting minutes.

Amendment C203dare was on public exhibition from 11 November 2021 until 13 December 2021. The exhibition period to make a submission is now closed.

At its meeting on 11 April 2022 Council considered all submissions to the Planning Scheme Amendment and resolved to refer all submissions to an independent Planning Panel.

At the directions hearing held on Wednesday 25 May 2022 Planning Panels Victoria resolved to conduct a public hearing to enable the Panel to raise any questions with Council and its expert heritage witness.

The main hearing was held on Wednesday July 20 2022 from 10:00am to 11:30am online via Microsoft Teams.

The panel documents can be viewed below:

Part A Submission, Darebin City Council

Statement of Evidence, GML Heritage

Heidelberg Road Heritage Assessment, GML Heritage

Part B Submission, Darebin City Council

Following the hearing, the Panel completed its report on Amendment C203dare, with recommendations for Council on how to proceed with the amendment.

Amendment C203dare Panel Report.

What’s next?

Council will now consider the recommendations made by the Planning Panel before deciding whether to adopt or abandon the amendment.

Talk to us or send an email

If you have any questions about Amendment C203dare, please contact Strategic Planning on 8470 8586 or email planningservices@darebin.vic.gov.au.

If you would like to speak to someone in your preferred language about the Heidelberg Road Heritage Amendment, please contact us or call 8470 8470 to be connected to a Language Aide or an interpreter.

News items

Heidelberg Road Heritage - Planning Scheme Amendment C203dare