Climate Emergency Plan 2024-2030 has been endorsed

Darebin’s new Climate Emergency Plan 2024-2030

We are proud to release our new Climate Emergency Plan 2024-30 which will guide Darebin’s climate change policy until 2030. This follows extensive consultation with more than 1,500 members of the Darebin community, climate experts, Traditional Owners and Custodians and Council advisory groups.

In our consultations we heard the strong message that Darebin residents want urgent action on climate change as well as support for those most impacted by the ongoing climate crisis.

This ambitious, strategic and sector-leading Plan will support Council and community to take that strong action to reduce emissions, keep our community safe and help our city thrive.

Read the Climate Emergency Plan 2024-2030

Stage 2 Consultation Summary

The draft Climate Emergency Plan was available for community feedback during Stage two consultation from 4 March to 7 April 2024.

  • 43 completed surveys,
  • 285 people reached through community engagement events and workshops and
  • 9 submissions representing 21 community organisations with a reach of over 30,000.

A strong majority of survey and submission respondents welcomed the draft Climate Emergency Plan. 66% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the plan will help us transition to a low emissions climate resilient city.

Specific points of feedback focused on the following issues:

  • Food security,
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation and gender and equity issues,
  • Emissions reduction targets and energy efficiency.

  • Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (Wurundjeri Corporation) Elders provided feedback and actions were updated with their agreement.

    A detailed summary of the consultation feedback and the changes we made to the Plan is available below.

    Stage one consultation findings are available below.

    Climate Emergency Plan Pillars and Goals

    We have divided the Plan into four pillars. These pillars represent the key areas on which Council will focus to address climate change and its impacts. Background information on how these pillars and actions were developed, why they are important, and how we will measure our progress is available from p. 42 in the Plan.
    • Caring for Country

      2030 Goals

      • Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung cultural knowledge is embedded and reflected in Council's approach to conservation, biodiversity and land management 
      • Darebin's natural environment is diverse, resilient and thriving 
      • Darebin's neighbourhoods are green, safe and liveable 
    • Towards Zero Emissions Darebin

      2030 Goals:

      • Darebin has transformed into a clean, liveable city that supports the transition to zero-emissions.
      • Darebin is achieving best practice environmentally sustainable development (ESD) outcomes and aiming for zero carbon buildings and assets
      • Darebin is moving towards zero-emissions transport, and reducing congestion and dependence on cars
      • Darebin is building a local circular economy that reduces waste and supply chain emissions
    • Community Resilience

      2030 goals:

      • Darebin is developing and delivering best-practice climate planning for buildings, infrastructure and public spaces in Darebin.
      • Darebin is building a stronger and more connected community through climate projects and programs
      • Public health risks are managed improving Darebin’s emergency management response and preparedness for severe and extreme weather events.
    • Innovation and Leadership

      2030 Goals:

      • Innovation and impact in climate response is driven through strategic advocacy and collaboration.
      • Darebin is a leader in climate focused and innovative economic solutions.
      • Our climate commitment is integrated into every aspect of Council work, inspiring community action.

    In this Climate Emergency Plan (Plan), we outline what we will do as a Council; how we will support our community to take action and stay safe, and where we will continue to collaborate and ask for stronger action from State and Federal governments.

    There are four main sections (four pillars) each one representing the key areas Council will focus on in addressing climate change and its future impacts.

    The four pillars and their accompanying vision statements are as follows:

    • Caring for Country. Vision: Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a connection to Darebin are empowered and supported to maintain and share their culture and knowledge to protect, preserve, revitalise, and heal Country, which supports self-determination, benefits everyone and maintains a thriving, resilient natural environment.
    • Towards Zero Emissions. Vision: Darebin homes, businesses, and transport, and Council operations and buildings are efficient, fossil fuel-free and powered by renewables, allowing for a healthy, liveable and thriving community.
    • Community Resilience and Adaptation. Vision: Darebin’s community is connected, safe and resilient to the changing climate, and has safe places to live, work and play
    • Leadership and Innovation. Vision: Darebin Council drives innovation and opportunity through strategic climate advocacy and partnerships across all sectors and is recognised as a Sustainable Climate Economy hub, with a climate-focused and skilled workforce.

    Within each pillar, goals to 2030, with detailed actions for the 2024-27 financial years are provided. A further three year action plan will be developed in early 2027 in line with the goals outlined in this plan.

    Feedback from the community and advice from content specialists and internal stakeholders has been used in developing the goals and actions. To recommend the action items that would provide the highest value for the community a prioritisation system was used to rank all possible actions. The criteria used to rank and refine the actions included demonstrable need, strategic alignment and deliverability.

    In addition, the Plan focuses on those actions that:

    • we can take as a local Council and with the community to address and respond to climate change.
    • foster and harness opportunities for innovation and leadership.
    • build a sustained partnership with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Traditional Owners, acknowledging their ongoing cultural knowledge and custodianship and setting out ways we will work together.

    At the end of the draft Plan we provide the background information on how these pillars, goals and actions were developed, why they are important and how we will measure our progress.

    This new Plan has been developed on the basis of extensive consultation with our community, detailed input our colleagues across Council, and is informed by expert external advice. They reflect changes in the policy and legislative landscape including new ambitious Federal and State emissions reductions targets. Updated climate projections and modelling are also incorporated, as are the values and vision of the Darebin community and Council.

    Community engagement was undertaken between August to October 2022 to understand the community’s views, ideas and aspirations in relation to climate change.

    A summary of the Stage 1 consultation feedback and who we engaged with is available.

    Here are some highlights.

    Over 1,000 members of the community were engaged through surveys and in-person workshops, which included: Online survey (467 responses), in person workshops (11) and local community meetings (24) (reaching a further 544 people).

    Consultation showed overwhelming support for Council to take strong action on the climate emergency including mitigation (emissions reduction) and adaptation (ensuring our community is equipped to deal with the impacts of climate change, with a focus on supporting those most impacted).

    What community is doing and wants to do about climate change?

    • 93% of participants are affected by anxiety and worry about climate change and how it is impacting their family and friends.
    • Many of us try to minimise waste by recycling, composting or using a green waste bin for food scraps and purchasing second hand. We are also actively reducing our ecofootprints through travel and energy choices.
    • We want to do more – especially about energy efficiency! Here’s our top 5: install shading/draft proofing, use energy from a battery, replace gas appliances, add insulation, use solar energy.
    • Barriers to achieving improved energy efficiency include: cost, not being the home owner or able to make independent changes, not sure where to start or get the right information.

    What should Council do?

    Two distinct and significant priorities for Council were identified by the community: (1) provide programs to help upgrade homes and businesses, including renters and (2) support community groups and businesses to prepare for the impacts of climate change.

    How should we prepare for a changing climate?

    Similarly to the findings of the 2021 ‘Design Your Darebin 2041 Engagement’, there was significant interest in creating a green, cool, shaded oasis of tree lined streets and pathways, parks and open spaces that support biodiversity and wildlife. Safe, cool, shaded open space that supports inclusion and access for all residents, but particularly older residents and those most likely to rely on public transport was a key priority.

    Who should be prioritised?

    Two clear priorities emerged from the engagement: (1) support for those most impacted by climate change to improve liveability and energy efficiency of their homes (including for renters), and (2) supporting big emitters to reduce emissions. The impact of poor quality housing on health, wellbeing and social inclusion, particularly during heat waves, was also a major theme in previous engagement.

    The Climate Emergency Plan 2024 - 2030 will help us transition to a low emissions, climate resilient city where we actively care for Country, support innovation and ensure that everyone thrives. Required

    Do the goals for Pillar 1 - Caring for Country - support Council to achieve the vision of the Pillar? RequiredThe goals for Pillar 1 are: (1) Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung cultural knowledge is embedded and reflected in Council's approach to conservation, biodiversity and land management. (2) Darebin's natural environment is diverse, resilient and thriving. (3) Darebin's neighbourhoods are green, safe and liveable.  

    Is there anything missing from the actions listed Pillar 1? RequiredFor a detailed list of Pillar 1 actions see pages 13 and 14 of the CE Plan.

    Do the goals for Pillar 2 - Towards Zero Emissions Darebin - support Council to achieve the vision of the Pillar? RequiredThe goals for Pillar 2 are: (1) Darebin has transformed into a clean, liveable city that supports the transition to zero-emissions. (2) Achieve best practice environmentally sustainable development outcomes and aim for zero carbon buildings and assets. (3) Move towards zero-emissions transport, reducing congestion and dependence on cars. (4) Build a local circular economy that reduces waste and supply chain emissions.

    Is there anything missing from the actions listed under Pillar 2? RequiredFor a detailed list of Pillar 2 actions see pages 22, and 25 to 26 of the CE Plan.

    Do the goals for Pillar 3 - Community Resilience - support Council to achieve the vision of the Pillar? RequiredThe goals for Pillar 3 are: (1) Develop and deliver best-practice climate planning for buildings, infrastructure, and public spaces in Darebin. (2) Make our community stronger and more connected through climate projects and programs. (3) Manage public health risks by improving our emergency response to extreme weather events.

    Is there anything missing from the actions listed under Pillar 3? RequiredFor a detailed list of Pillar 3 actions see pages 30 to 31, and 33 to 34 of the CE Plan.

    Do the goals for Pillar 4 - Innovation and Leadership - support Council to achieve the vision of the Pillar? RequiredThe goals for Pillar 4 are: (1) Drive innovation and impact in climate response through strategic advocacy and collaboration. (2) Darebin is a leader in climate focused and innovative economic solutions. (3) Our climate commitment is integrated into every aspect of Council work, inspiring community action.

    Is there anything missing from the actions listed under Pillar 4? RequiredFor a detailed list of Pillar 1 actions see pages 37, 39 and 41 of the CE Plan.

    About you

    Connection to Darebin

    What is your age group?

    Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both?

    What is your gender?

    Do you have disability

    Do you speak language other than English at home?

    Were you born in Australia or overseas?

    We are already feeling the effects of climate change. Our climate is getting hotter and we are seeing unpredictable rainfall and more storms and droughts and flash flooding. Quality of our air is affected by bushfires and our water sources are under pressure.

    Climate change impacts residents and business owners. We heard from our community that during heatwaves people are becoming increasingly isolated as they stay home to shelter from the heat. Heatwaves have a negative impact on people’s health and wellbeing and renters are particularly vulnerable as they have less ability to make changes to their homes and businesses.

    At Darebin Council we bring an equity lens to our work. This recognises that climate impacts are felt differently by different people and that factors like age, health and mobility, income, social connectedness, housing, migrant and refugee status and quality and proximity to high-risk flood or bushfire regions affect someone’s vulnerability. Those most at risk of experiencing severe impacts are often those with the fewest resources to address them.

    This diagram shows the ways climate change is affecting Darebin and what it means for our community.