Your Street, Your Say - Group A

We’re changing our approach to addressing local transport issues. The Your Street, Your Say project is your opportunity to tell us how we can improve local streets for people who live, work, study or travel through Darebin.

We recently asked everyone in Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West for input about your experience of walking, cycling, scooting, driving and playing in local streets. Thank you for your valuable feedback on the plan so far. It helped us prepare a plan to solve the issues you raised.

Read our latest status update for the Group A projects: Group A project status update

What's happened so far?

We asked people living in Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West for input about the streets in your local area.
  • Group A stage 1 results

    We received more than 7000 pieces of information about your experience of walking, cycling, scooting, driving and playing in your local streets. Click the map to read more about the results from stage 1.

Don’t live in Reservoir West, Preston West, or Thornbury West?

We would still love to hear about your thoughts about our draft plans for Group A. We will also be asking for your feedback on streets in other parts of Darebin over the next few years:

  • Group B – 2022/2023: Thornbury East, Northcote East, Fairfield, Bundoora, and Macleod.
  • Group C – 2023/2024: Reservoir East, Preston East, and Northcote West.

Register your interest and we will let you know when we start collecting feedback on issues you are experiencing in streets in Groups B or C.

Map of the City of Darebin showing Group A which includes Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West in Green, Group B which includes Bundoora, Macleod, Thornbury East, Northcote East and Fairfield in blue and Reservoir East, Preston East and Northcote West in orange

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