Future Preston Central Project

Preston Central (High Street) is designated as a Major Activity Centre in the State Government’s Plan for Victoria, the strategy for supporting jobs, housing, and transport in Melbourne over the next 25 years. The existing Preston Central Structure Plan is nearly 20 years old and requires a comprehensive review so that policies are up-to-date and respond to the needs of the current and future community.

Where are we now?

Council is not currently consulting on the Future Preston Central Project. As part of their Activity Centre Program, the state government is currently leading the planning and development process.

At a Council meeting on December 18, 2023, Council adopted the draft Preston Central Structure Plan and associated planning controls and resolved to request that the Minister for Planning authorise the commencement of Amendment C218dare to exhibit the documents to the community.

Following the release of the Housing Statement by the State Government in late 2023, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is leading the planning for the Centre as part of their Activity Centres Program.

State-led community consultation

Phase 1 of the state-led Activity Centre Program's community engagement concluded on April 29, 2024. The findings are now available on the VPA website. Phase 2 of the community engagement process involved formal public notice and consultation on the draft Preston (High Street) Activity Centre Plan and concluded on September 29, 2024. The findings are now available on the Engage Victoria website.

Officer's submission on the draft Plan

As Phase 2 community consultation occurred during the local government caretaker period, Council was constrained in how it could participate. Officers prepared and made two confidential submissions to State officials during this consultation period. These officer submissions were made public at a Council meeting on 3 March 2025. Copies of the officer submissions are here:

Key elements of the submissions were:

  • Transparency in planning processes and community engagement.
  • Alignment with Council's draft Preston Central Structure Plan.
  • Facilitation of more good quality homes, more quickly, including affordable and social housing, to address the housing crisis.
  • Funding for new and improved community infrastructure, such as parks and streets.

Activity Centre Program announcement

On 23 February 2025, the State Government announced updated plans for the Activity Centre Programs, including Preston Central, following feedback and community consultation. The announcement included a fact sheet, as well as an updated boundary, but no detailed planning controls.

The State Government have stated that planning controls will be gazetted at the end of March.

  • Victorian Government's Housing Statement

    On September 20 2023, the Premier of Victoria released the Housing Statement with the target of increasing housing supply. Preston Central (High Street) has been identified as one of the ten major activity centres through the Activity Centres Program. This is a State Government project. The first 10 activity centres will enable the delivery of an estimated 60,000 homes.

  • Awaiting Minister's decision on Amendment C218dare

    At the December 2023 meeting Council resolved to request the Minister for Planning to authorise the preparation and exhibition of Amendment C218dare to the Darebin Planning Scheme and a supporting document. Council is yet to receive a decision on the authorisation request.

Amendment C218dare

What has happened so far?

Community feedback in 2018 (Stage 1) helped us shape the draft Vision for Future Preston. In 2022 (Stage 2), we sought further community feedback on the draft Vision and supporting documents such as the draft Built Form Framework, and Land Use and Urban Design Issues and Opportunities Papers. Based on this feedback, in 2023 (Stage 3) we developed a refreshed draft Preston Central Structure Plan 2023 and associated draft Activity Centre Zone (ACZ) planning controls to strengthen the future planning for the area. The draft Structure Plan articulates the vision and strategic framework for the Centre and identifies over 30 actions for implementation in the short, mid, and long term. It now forms the basis for the proposed Amendment C218dare to the Darebin Planning Scheme.

What else is happening now?

Consultation on the High Street Preston Streetscape Upgrade is open till 6 April 2025. Visit High Street Preston Streetscape Upgrade Project to find out more.