Future Preston Central Project

Preston Central (High Street) is designated as a Major Activity Centre in the State Government’s Plan Melbourne 2017 - 2050, the strategy for supporting jobs, housing, and transport in Melbourne over the next 25 years. The existing Preston Central Structure Plan is over 16 years old and requires a comprehensive review so that policies are up-to-date and respond to the needs of the current and future community.

Where are we now?

Following the release of the Housing Statement by the State Government in late 2023, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) are leading the planning for the Centre as part of their Activity Centres Program. VPA is currently building on Darebin City Council's achievements for the planning of the Centre, including drawing on learnings from past community engagements on this project.

At a Council meeting on 18 December 2023, Council adopted the draft Preston Central Structure Plan and associated planning controls and resolved to request that the Minister for Planning authorise the commencement of Amendment C218dare to exhibit the documents to the community. Acknowledging the Housing Statement, Council also resolved to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to govern its relationship with the state authorities to manage the planning for Preston Central. The meeting minutes detail Council Resolution on these matters.

  • Victorian Government's Housing Statement

    On September 20 2023, the Premier of Victoria released the Housing Statement with the target of increasing housing supply. Preston Central (High Street) has been identified as one of the ten major activity centres through the Activity Centres Program. This is a joint program between the Department of Transport and Planning and VPA. The program will enable the delivery of an estimated 60,000 homes.

  • Awaiting Minister's decision on Amendment C218dare

    At the December 2023 meeting Council resolved to request the Minister for Planning to authorise the preparation and exhibition of Amendment C218dare to the Darebin Planning Scheme and a supporting document. Should the Minister authorise C218dare, the amendment will be formally exhibited, and community and stakeholders will have an opportunity to make submissions on the proposed structure plan and associated planning controls. Updates will be published on this page.

Amendment C218dare

What has happened so far?

Community feedback in 2018 (Stage 1) helped us shape the draft Vision for Future Preston. In 2022 (Stage 2), we sought further community feedback on the draft Vision and supporting documents such as the draft Built Form Framework, and Land Use and Urban Design Issues and Opportunities Papers. Based on this feedback, in 2023 (Stage 3) we developed a refreshed draft Preston Central Structure Plan 2023 and associated draft Activity Centre Zone (ACZ) planning controls to strengthen the future planning for the area. The draft Structure Plan articulates the vision and strategic framework for the Centre and identifies over 30 actions for implementation in the short, mid, and long term. It now forms the basis for the proposed Amendment C218dare to the Darebin Planning Scheme.

Stage 1 engagement

Complete the Community Survey below!

Start by registering with YourSay Darebin.

Our community survey is divided into three parts:

SURVEY PART A: Provide your feedback on the Vision for Future Preston Central, the draft Preston Central Built Form Framework and the proposed strategic actions for Preston Central.

SURVEY PART B (LOCAL PRECINCT DESIGN): Let us know what you think of the local Preston Central precinct design objectives and controls.

MAP PART C: Tell us where you think the issues and opportunities are in Preston Central.

Your input will directly impact the strategies and policies implemented in Preston Central.

Stage 2 engagement

Enhancing the unique character of Preston Central's precincts - Survey PART B (closed)

The commercial land in Preston Central is divided into six precincts each having its unique identity and character.

The Built Form Framework proposes a number of design objectives for each area of Preston Central intended to maintain and enhance the character of each precinct.

We want your feedback on the design objectives for Preston Central’s unique precincts.

Click on any of the icons in the map below for more information about the design objectives in each precinct. Provide your feedback to questions specific to each area.

You can choose to respond to as many of the precincts you feel are important to you, or click next at the bottom this page to skip to the next survey question.

Help us identify the issues and opportunities in Preston Central - Survey PART C (closed)

Darebin City Council will be preparing strategic directions to bring the Vision for future Preston Central to life. As part of this work, we did background research to identify opportunities for development in Preston Central.

Read the Summary Document

Read the Future Preston Urban Design Issues and Opportunities Paper (2020)

Read the Land Use Challenges and Opportunities Paper (2020)

We invite you to provide feedback on the key draft opportunities we have identified to date, and to let us know if we’ve missed any, by telling us where you think the issues and opportunities for Preston Central are located on the map below.

You can provide feedback on issues and opportunities relating to the below areas. You can choose to tell us in your comment which area described below your comment relates to.

The Project Area

The project covers the Preston Central Activity Centre.

The draft Preston Central Built Form Framework has been prepared for the commercial land along the High Street and Bell Street corridor, where the Priority Development Zone applies. It includes the Civic Precinct, where Preston City Hall and Library are located.

The existing Preston Central Structure Plan covers a broader area. It includes adjacent education precincts (such as Melbourne Polytechnic and Preston High School), public open spaces (such as Preston Oval) and surrounding residential areas with a strong functional relationship with the centre or are undergoing substantial transformation.

Please note this project does not include the ‘Preston Market’ which is being planned by Victorian Planning Authority through a separate planning process.

Have your say

Help us shape the future of Preston Central

In 2018, you provided feedback and information that helped develop the Draft Vision for Future Preston. We are preparing strategic directions for Preston Central to bring that vision to life.

Council now invites you to provide feedback on these planning documents. By providing feedback, you can influence the future of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Read the Fact Sheet DocumentRead the Summary Document

There are a range of ways to provide feedback by 8 August 2022:

- Providing online feedback by completing the survey above

- Visiting one of our Customer Service Centres and completing a hardcopy survey

- Attending a pop-up session

- Registering to an online session or a targeted workshop most relevant to you

Attend a pop-up session (closed)

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Drop in to our Pop Up Session and have your say. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Where: 421 High Street, Preston (opposite the Post Office)

When: Saturday 16th July, 10am to 12pm

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Drop in to our Pop Up session for people aged between 12 - 25 years old and have your say. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Where: The Hub@ Northland, Northland Shopping Centre, Preston (next to Uniqlo)

When: Wednesday 20th July, 4pm to 6pm

Drop in to our Pop Up session and have your say. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Let us know if you would like us to come to you on the day and we’ll come and have a chat at your business.

Where: 421 High Street, Preston (opposite the Post Office)

When: Tuesday 26th July, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Register for an online session or a targeted workshop most relevant to you (closed)

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Join us for an online workshop to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central and provide your feedback on key opportunties. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Where: Online

When: Thursday 28th July, 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Join us for a face-to-face workshop for people living with disabilities to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central and provide your feedback on key opportunties. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Let us know if you have any access requirements or need any additional support on the day when you register.

Where: Preston Library, 266 Gower Street, Preston

When: Tuesday 26th July, 11:00am to 12:00pm

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Join us for a face-to-face workshop for culturally and linguistically diverse community members to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central and provide your feedback on key opportunties. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Let us know if you require a translating service on the day when you register.

Where: Bridge Darebin, 218 High Street, Preston

When: Wednesday 27th July, 11:00am to 12:00pm

Preston Central is growing and changing – let’s shape its future together!

Join us for a face-to-face workshop for older adults to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central and provide your feedback on key opportunities. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Let us know if you have any access requirements or need any additional support on the day when you register.

Where: Bridge Darebin, 218 High Street, Preston

When: Wednesday 27th July, 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Join us for an online session to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central. We are inviting community service providers, such as sports and recreational organisations, education providers, health and support providers, and providers to various disadvantaged Darebin residents (unemployed, refugees, CALD persons etc.) who are located in Preston Central or work with Darebin residents to provide feedback considering their needs and the needs of the community members they work with. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Where: Online

When: Tuesday 19th July, 2:30 to 3:30pm

Join us for an online consultation session to hear more about how Council is planning to guide development in Preston Central. You can provide your feedback on Draft Vision, draft strategic opportunities and draft planning controls for the Preston Central area. we are inviting schools, childcare centres, kindergartens, other providers who work with children or young persons to provide feedback considering their needs and the needs of the children/youth they work with. Your feedback will influence the future development of Preston Central to ensure it reflects the needs and priorities of our youngest community members.

Where: Online

When: Tuesday 2 August, 4:00pm to 5:00pm

What else is happening now?

Community consultation on a new Housing Strategy and Neighbourhood Character Study for Darebin has also been completed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

Visit yoursay.darebin.vic.gov.au/housing to find out more.