Four images: aerial view of Collins St and Jones St intersection as it is now (top left) and with the proposed raised intersection with zebra crossings on all four sides (top right); view from Collins St heading east of the intersection with Jones St as it is now (middle) and with the proposed raised intersection (bottom)


  • Design and install a raised intersection at Jones St and Collins St, with zebra crossings across all four sides of the intersection


Collins St and Jones St are commonly used by students walking and riding to Thornbury High School. In Your Street, Your Say - Group B Stage 1, we heard there is a need for safe designated crossings at this intersection.

A raised intersection with zebra crossings on all four sides will slow drivers down and improve safety for people crossing Jones St and Collins St.

More safety improvements nearby are proposed in Priority Project 3: Matisi St south of Collins St and Priority Project 8: Dundas St between Victoria St and Matisi St.