Two aerial views of the intersection of Separation St and Perry St showing the intersection as it is now (left) and with the proposal to install a raised intersection with zebra crossings across all four sides of the intersection (right)


  • Design and install a raised intersection at Separation St and Perry St with zebra crossings across all four sides of the intersection


Many people walk and ride through this intersection on their way to Perry Street Childcare Centre, Fairfield Primary School, and nearby bus stops.

Separation St is a busy road and there are no traffic calming treatments nearby to slow car drivers down. In Your Street, Your Say - Group B Stage 1, we heard this intersection is dangerous, and it can be hard to cross Separation St.

Upgrading this intersection with a raised intersection will help slow cars down and improve safety for all road users. Zebra crossings on all four sides of the intersection will make crossing Separation St and Perry St easier and safer for people walking.

More safety improvements nearby are proposed in Priority Project 6: Separation St east of Sparks Ave and Priority Project 13: Separation St between High St and Victoria Rd.