

Separation St is a busy and essential route for many people driving cars, walking, riding bikes, and catching the bus. It links many important destinations including Northcote Plaza, High St, Northcote Library, All Nations Park, and Santa Maria College.

In Your Street, Your Say - Group B Stage 1 we heard it can be hard and feel unsafe for people walking to cross at the intersection of Breavington Way, and there needs to be another pedestrian crossing over Separation St near All Nations Park. We also heard walking and riding on Separation St feels dangerous, and car drivers go too fast. Traffic speed data confirms there is a pattern of drivers speeding on Separation St.

Painting 40 km/h on the road between High St and Victoria Rd will remind car drivers of the speed limit. This is a quick and low-cost change which would encourage drivers to slow down.

This proposal also includes designing new traffic signals with pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Separation St and Breavington Way. This would provide a safer and easier crossing for people walking, including on their way to All Nations Park.

The final part of this proposal is investigating options for new rubber speed cushions along Separation St between Hopetoun St to Bennet St. The investigation will identify the key locations for speed cushions and inform their placement in the future. The speed cushions would slow car drivers down and improve safety for all road users.

More safety improvements on this section of Separation St are proposed in Priority Project 12: Separation St and Northcote Plaza intersection.