
  • Design and install new traffic islands on Clarendon St near St David St
  • Design and install rubber speed cushions on Clarendon St east and west of St David St


People walking and riding bikes to Wales Street Primary School, nearby bus stops, and other local destinations cross Clarendon St near St David St.

In Your Street, Your Say - Group B Stage 1 we heard it can be hard and feel dangerous for people walking and riding to cross here because Clarendon St is a busy road and there is nothing to slow car drivers down. We heard the community want this road to be safer, especially for children and families walking and riding to Wales Street Primary School.

To make this road safer we need to balance how easitly people driving cars can move between Clarendon St and St David St, and the ease and safety of people walking and riding bikes.

The proposed new traffic islands will change how car drivers can move between Clarendon St and St David St:

  • Drivers heading east or west on Clarendon St can only turn left into St David St
  • Drivers heading north or south on St David St can only turn left into Clarendon St

The proposed traffic islands mean some trips may be less convenient for some car drivers. The traffic islands would include places for people walking and riding to cross Clarendon St . People walking and riding bikes would be able to turn left or right into and out of St David St.

The proposal to install new traffic islands and rubber speed cushions on Clarendon St will make this road safer and easier to cross for people walking and riding bikes.

More safety improvements nearby are proposed in Priority Project 9: Clarendon St east of High St.