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The Northcote Local Area Traffic Management Study found that some car drivers were using Mitchell St, Thames St, and Alphington St as rat-runs. These streets are designed to be used mostly by local traffic.

The proposal to expand the traffic island on Mitchell St will change how car drivers can move between Mitchell St, Thames St, and Alphington St:

  • Drivers on Thames St will have to turn left at Mitchell St, they will not be able to go through to Alphington St
  • Drivers on Alphington St will have to turn left at Mitchell St, they will not be able to go through to Thames St

The proposal means some trips may be a little less convenient for some car drivers. The traffic island will include cut-throughs for bikes and people walking. This means people riding bikes and walking can go in any direction at the intersection.

The expanded traffic island will make the intersection of Mitchell St, Thames St, and Alphington St safer for all people using the road- driving, walking, or riding a bike-, and discourage rat-running through these local streets.

We will review this project after 12 months. We will assess whether the change improved safety at this intersection, reduced non-local traffic on Mitchell St, Thames St, and Alphington St, and impacts on surrounding streets. Depending on the results of the review, the project could be made permanent, removed, or altered.

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