
Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West communities, let us know - Your Street, Your Say – Have we got it right?

10 June 2022

We recently asked everyone in Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West for input about your experience of walking, cycling, scooting, driving and playing in local streets.

Thank you for your valuable feedback on the project during stage one consultation.

Your feedback helped us make a plan to solve the key issues you raised, in the places they are most needed.

The plan includes improvements like pedestrian crossings, street closures, bike lanes, planting and changes to street layouts.

Let us know if you agree with the plan to improve your local streets by completing the survey by 10 July 2022.

Visit the website to look at the plan at or at one of our Customer Service Centres.

Please call us for a hard copy of the survey 8470 8888.