
We are now seeking your feedback!

12 June 2018

Based on the outcomes of the community engagement process which has included an initial survey, workshops and a community design day, we have now prepared a draft strategy and concept plans and are seeking the community’s feedback.

The Streets for People draft strategy is now available on the Streets for People page, which contains the following:

- A brief background of the project and why we’re undertaking it

- A summary of the work completed so far including community consultation

- A set of draft plans which show the proposed traffic and streetscape works along the entire corridor as well as individual sections of Ethel Street, Stott Street, Herbert Street and Park Street.

It is really important that we get as much feedback as possible on the draft designs, whether or not you live in the study area, or will be directly affected by any of the projects or interventions along the corridor. We will be exhibiting the draft strategy for comment and feedback until the 22nd June.

You can now visit the Streets for People page, view the draft strategy and provide your feedback via our online survey!

Thank you for you continued interest in this project.