
Benefits to the Community - Covid-19 response

15 September 2021

Responding to the unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic remains Council’s priority. As part of this effort, we are committed to progressing strategic capital works projects that will boost the local economy.

The development of Narrandjeri Stadium is a multi-year project that, along with ensuring residents have access to much-needed space for indoor sports and exercise, will provide economic benefits to the community for years to come.

The development is projected to create more than 116 jobs over its lifetime and contribute $14.05 million to the economy during construction.

A report from Michael Connell and Associates estimated construction activity will generate 89 FTE onsite construction jobs and 18 jobs in the materials and equipment supply sectors. When operational, there will be 9.5 FTE jobs for operations and staffing of the Stadium.

Council is investing $35 million to develop the Stadium and related infrastructure. We are grateful to have received a $2M grant towards this project through the Victorian Government’s Local Sports Infrastructure Fund, in addition to $1M from the Inner City Netball Program for the recently completed outdoor netball courts.

The immediate spend on the Stadium in the 20/21 budget is $8M, to finalise the detailed design phase of the project and commence construction.

The cost of developing Narrandjeri Stadium is spread throughout the life of the multi-year project and does not impact Council’s ability to support the community in response to the pandemic.