
The Domestic Animal Management Plan endorsed by Council.

1 April 2022

The Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025 was endorsed by Council on 28th February 2022. Thank you to all community members who participated in this stage of consultation.

The community was given opportunity to provide feedback on the DRAFT Domestic Animal Management Plan in October/November 2021.

The responses received were largely supportive of the DRAFT Domestic Animal Management Plan with the main concerns raised being:

  • Greater Local Law Officer presence
  • Infringements issued to people doing the wrong thing
  • Greater control of cats
  • Community education on responsible pet ownership at home and also when out and about in public
  • Reduction of domestic animal predation on wildlife and habitat destruction caused by domestic animals

Changes/updates that were included in the final Domestic Animal Management Plan from community feedback includes:

  • Increasing meet your Local Law Officer (LLO) sessions form 2 to 4 (one for each LLO Area).
  • Greater LLO presence in parks. LLOs perform patrols in sensitive habitat areas, and not just the big/popular parks during normal business hours but also after hours
  • Confirmation that LLOs will address non-compliance with warnings and infringements
  • Purchase of additional cat traps to meet demand would be considered
  • Review bin placement in parks, need for additional bins and location of signage
  • Providing community education regarding importance of biodiversity and protection of sensitive areas

The Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025 can be viewed on the Your Say Domestic Animal Management Plan page.